The next day, once the event was over, I went home and finished my book, Never Let Me Go, and it made me think about all of the volunteer work I have done. The existential book constantly makes you ask what is our purpose in life? and what is the point of everything? This, in turn, made me think of all the volunteering I have been doing. In life we are born, we live, and we die, so we are forced to ask ourselves what is the point of doing anything if you are just going to die? Life has been given to us, and it is up to us to take that life and to make the most of it because we do not know what lies for us after we die. And that is how I got to think of my volunteering. There are so many people struggling to make their life the best they can, but they've failed and some point in their life and have not been able to pick themselves up. Sometimes, it only takes one helping hand.
If you have been given many luxuries in life and have been able to live a nice life, as I have, then it is only fair to pay it forward and to help someone else in need. NCL has given me the motivation to keep volunteering beyond the organization and to help those who are less fortunate than myself. If we are only given so much time on this earth to live, we need to make the most of it and need to help those in need make the most of theirs, because before we know it, we are out of time and have "completed". Paying it forward makes you a selfless person while making the world a better place.
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