Everyone, especially girls, always want to look good, because if you look good, you feel good. That is why we spend lots of time doing our hair and makeup and why we constantly check, double check, triple check, and quadruple check ourselves in a mirror before we go out. While candles and moonlight, as the poem says, can distort our images into making us look good, no matter what, mirrors do not lie. They tell you the truth no matter how wonderful or horrible it is. The mirror can either be our friend or our enemy, but no matter what we choose it will never tell a lie.
But isn't everyone just supposed to accept us for who we are? Aren't we supposed to be loved by friends, family, and loved ones for our true beauty? Shouldn't our beauty on the inside be equally as important as our beauty on the outside? While these things should be true, they aren't always. Luckily, though, there are lots of people who find beauty on the inside equally as important as beauty on the outside.
So what does this have to do with mirrors? Mirrors are just an object we use to tell us the truth about ourselves. Really, it is up to us to interpret what the mirror says as a positive or negative. People can lie and either be mean or tell you what you want to hear, but a mirror is will never succumb to that. Once we are able to accept ourselves and interpret the mirrors images as positive, then you will be able to find someone that will also see your true beauty. As long as you accept yourself, someone will accept you also.
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