Since this week in class we talked more about law and leadership, I decided that for this weeks blog, I'd just sort of pick my own topic.
"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching." This quote has really stuck with me this week because of the fact that my best friend's dad (pictured to the left) passed away a week ago. It really made me think about how short life is and how we need to do things that please us because if we don't, then what was the point of it all? It's okay for people to be selfish once in awhile, because if we are not, then we'll spend our whole lives pleasing other people and never ourselves. On the opposite end of that, though, there are those people who are completely selfish and never want to do anything to please or help other people. My point is, everyone needs a balance of being selfish and selfless. Humans are only on this planet for a short amount of time when you compare it to how old the planet actually is. Our time needs to be enjoyed, not spent worrying about things.
There are people who may fear the fact that death comes so soon, when really it is something that should be embraced. Death will catch up to all of us at some point and since we know that, then we should do something about it. Instead of fearing it, people must do the things they want to in life. Go skydiving, shoot a gun, climb Mt. Everest, travel the world, do whatever pleases you because your life will seem so much better and fuller when you do. Those who live the lives they've always wanted to won't be afraid to die because they've done everything in their life that they've wanted to. In the book White Noise, by Don DeLillo, the main character is a father who has an extreme fear of death. The fear of death constantly stays with him and interrupts his life. He's desperate to try and rid himself of this fear and ends up killing someone for drugs that may or may not cure his fear. People like him shouldn't let fear control their lives because it's a factor in everyone's life that can't be controlled. It's not like addiction where you have a chance to get rid of it for forever, death is inevitable.
Since death comes for everyone at some point, people should do their best to leave a positive legacy behind. When you think about it, are the little dramatic fights, the lying, the cheating, the stealing that people do in their lives really worth it? People only have a certain amount of time before they're gone. Would you rather be remembered for fighting someone, or for being a nice person that everyone loved?
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