Why or how do people give their kids names? Do they spend time researching common or uncommon names on the internet or do they name their kids after someone? Do they spend time thinking of names or do they just come up with it off of a whim? As an economist would say: "it depends" (thank you Mr. Nelson).
Names are people's identity. It's how we associate and know people. Without names, people wouldn't be able to differentiate between each other. But why are names so special? Why must they be different than the everyday names we use today, like telephone or chair or even garbage? Now I know some people, like celebrities, do like to do things like this and name their kid say.... Apple, but for the majority of the population, they pick names that are meant for people and not fruit or objects. Some people may name their kids as a honor to a loved one that has passed away. Parents do this so that the name of their beloved parent or grandparent lives on in the family. It doesn't necessarily mean that that person needs or is expected to be like that parent or grandparent, it just serves as a honor. Some parents name their kids after them because of a family tradition. It doesn't necessarily mean that the parent expects their kid to be like them, though sometimes it may be the case. Lots of times, though, it is just family tradition to keep a name going in the family. For example, my friend is named TJ Ryan IV and his dad is TJ Ryan III, but he isn't expected to be like nor is he anything like his father, it is just family tradition to name the first son TJ Ryan.
The reasons why and how people name their kids varies because of different family traditions and opinions. But one thing that is always constant is that a person's name reflects their identity and who they are. Many people keep the name that their parents gave them, and those who don't like it or don't believe it reflects who they are, can easily change their name to reflect who they believe they are. Names in our society have a deep importance to us because of how we believe people will perceive us. People put a name to a face and believe that they should go together nicely. So ask yourself, how did you get your name? Does it reflect who you are?
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